一、 中文图书 1
冰冻圈气候环境记录 1
川藏交通廊道山地灾害演化规律与工程风险 2
非金属矿展望:前沿、需求和生命健康 3
淮河流域水质-水量-水生态联合调度 4
陆地生态系统碳—氮—水耦合循环 5
煤炭碳中和战略与技术路径 8
碳中和:逻辑体系与技术需求 9
碳中和与碳捕集利用封存技术进展 10
喜马拉雅山隆升与季风协同演化过程 11
雅鲁藏布江大拐弯冰崩堵江事件科学评估报告 12
“一带一路”区域气候变化灾害风险 13
“一带一路”自然灾害风险评估 14
中国古脊椎动物志. 第二卷,两栖类 爬行类 鸟类. 第六册(总第十册),蜥臀类恐龙 15
中国气候与生态环境演变 : 2021综合卷 16
自然地理学前沿 17
二、 外文图书 19
Cross-Border Themes in Petroleum Geology II : Atlantic Margin and Barents Sea 19
From Continental Shelf to Slope : Mapping the Oceanic Realm 20
Mesozoic Biological Events and Ecosystems in East Asia 21
The Brahmaputra River in Assam : Geomorphology, Hazards, and Natural Resources 22
The Geochemistry and Geophysics of the Antarctic Mantle 23
The History of the Study of Landforms or the Development of Geomorphology. Volume 5, Geomorphology in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century 24
Water, Land, and Forest Susceptibility and Sustainability. Volume 1, Geospatial Approaches and Modeling 25
Water, Land, and Forest Susceptibility and Sustainability. Volume 2, Insight Towards Management, Conservation and Ecosystem Service 26